Our services are tailored, with love & care, to meet your unique living experience.
Contact us to start your Rosie’s Love and Care journey.
1800 001 568 info@rosielovecare.com.au
The NDIA is not cutting funding for support coordination, and it is incorrect to say funding is no longer available for support coordinators.
Since March 2020, the NDIA has introduced a number of temporary measures to ensure participants have access to essential supports during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.This included allowing participants who did not have specific funding included in their plans for support coordination, or those needing to increase their use of support coordination services, to temporarily use other areas of their funding to access support coordination. This measure was put in place to help participants identify additional supports if needed when their supports had been disrupted by COVID-19. This temporary measure was put in place until 28 February.
As restrictions ease around the country, the need for flexible support coordination has also eased, as participants return to their usual services or are able to easily find, choose and access their preferred services, as they did prior to the pandemic. The NDIA wants to provide clarity and reassurance to participants that those with support co-ordination included in their plan and budgets continue to have access to this support.
For those participants who temporarily accessed support coordination during the temporary period and who still require this support due to COVID-19 disruption of services they should contact their Local Area Coordinator, ECEI partner or planner to seek a plan review or call 1800 800 110 for assistance.
Contact us to start your Rosie’s Love and Care journey.